Highlands and Islands MSP Jamie Halcro Johnston said:
“One of the challenges facing Lochaber, and some other rural parts of the Highlands, is depopulation and the loss of working-age people and their families.
“That’s why this is particularly welcome news, and it is encouraging to see this level of investment - and the local jobs it brings - being made in Morvern.
“Scotland has a strong drinks sector and, as someone who is involved in organic farming and food production in Orkney, I know how important Scotland’s wider food and drink industry is across the Highlands and Islands.
“I look forward to seeing this investment progress, and wish all concerned every possible success.”
1 More on this story here: https://www.hie.co.uk/latest-news/2022/may/18/more-jobs-and-lower-emissions-as-highland-distillery-expands/
2 The text of a motion that Jamie Halcro Johnston is submitting to the Scottish Parliament is provided below for information:
That the Parliament welcomes the investment in the Nc'nean Distillery on the Morvern peninsula; understands that £250,000 from Highlands and Islands Enterprise will go towards a major project to create a new site bottling plant, which will reduce environmental costs as well as provide for new jobs at the Distillery; considers this funding to be a welcome boost to the rural economy of Lochaber, and would like to wish the staff at Nc’nean Distillery all the best for their future success.