Highlands and Islands MSP Donald Cameron has marked National Eye Health Week by urging motorists to take an eye-test if they have any doubt about being able to read a number plate from 20 metres.
Mr Cameron said: “It is a requirement that drivers must be able to read a number plate from 20 metres away but a recent DVLA survey indicates that fewer than half of motorists are actually aware of this, which makes you wonder how many people may be driving unsafely."
“20 metres is the equivalent of five parked cars so if you find yourself struggling to make out a number plate at that range you really should take an eye-test."
“With our roads getting ever busier we owe it to ourselves and to others to do everything we can to improve road safety, and by getting a check you may well help to protect your own eye health too.”
Details of National Eye Health Week : Vision Matters - National Eye Health Week