Views on Highland Energy Projects Survey

The Highland Conservatives are looking for your views on energy projects in the Highlands, pylons and the importance of community consent in the planning process.

Please take a few minutes to fill out the survey below. 



Views on Highland Energy Projects

  • Current Highland Energy Projects
  • Your details
How effectively do you feel Highland Council listens to you and your community?
Doesn't listen at all
Always listens
Do you support onshore wind energy developments in your community?
Do you support above-ground transmission infrastructure/pylons in your community?
Do you agree with the stance that there should be a presumption in favour of undergrounding pylons?
Do you believe decisions about major renewable developments should be made locally in the Highlands rather than by the Scottish Government in Edinburgh?
Where community support exists for renewable projects, should community benefit funding be retained within the host community?
Highland Council recently voted to centralise 60% of community benefit funding to be distributed across the Highlands. To what extent do you agree with this decision?
Completely disagree
Completely agree
When consulted on local planning matters, do you feel you are provided with enough independent and impartial information to make an informed decision?
How important is it to you that renewable energy projects in your area include a community consultation process?
Not at all important
Very important