
Highlands and Islands Enterprise Funding Cut by the SNP

Highlands and Islands MSP Donald Cameron has reacted angrily to the announcement in today’s budget that Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) is to see its funding again slashed by the Scottish Government. Mr Cameron said: “I find it quite extraordinary that the SNP Government has decided to

Comment from Donald Cameron MSP on ferry scandal

Highlands and Islands MSP Donald Cameron said: “I am extremely worried about the impact this ongoing ferry fiasco is having on the people and businesses who are reliant on the lifeline ferry routes that these vessels are supposed to be serving." “SNP ministers just don’t seem to understand how

Comment from Donald Cameron – Holyrood debates on flags and independence

Highlands and Islands MSP Donald Cameron has responded to the decision of Nicola Sturgeon to spend yet more time at Holyrood debating a second independence referendum and whether or not to fly the EU flag at Holyrood. The Scottish Conservative MSP said: “People across the Highlands and Is